Friday, March 30, 2007

A long short week

Life is moving and moving, and I am moving along.
Today we had our last day of lectures, last day of teaching, and we are preparing for the great month of April where we will be experiencing great things and have much fun, going where God wants us.

This week has been all about web-design, pretty basic stuff, so if I am to be honest, I didn't learn much new things, but this has been the first week when I have felt like that. It has now been 12 weeks, and every week has been inspiring and I have learned new things every week, and many of the speakers have given me stuff that I want to continue working on, showing me some of the opportunities out there.

This week we also had the sending out of the outreach teams, The Commissioning, and every team does now have all their money, a huge miracle in itself, considering the amount that was needed a week before the date we had to pay our fees. More than 2,5 million kroner was paid the last week!

We have also has Impact World Tour on our doorstep this last week. For the last month, they have had shows all over the city, and have seen a lot of people respond to the Gospel and getting saved. This week has been in the Perth soccer stadium, the Perth Oval, that is just 200 meters down the street from the base, and tonight was the Island Breeze night, and people got saved tonight as well.

Please pray for a breakthrough these last two days, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is GX International and Sunday night is a combined night with Team Extreme, Island Breeze and GX International. This is the biggest and last arena we are having on this Perth tour, so pray for these last nights, that people will get saved and we'll see this city transformed into God's plans.

I got to link up a ten-year-old with a discipleship group yesterday. Since we are leaving on outreach soon, I couldn't follow him up personally, but I linked him up with another local person who goes to a large city here with a god kids-program. It was a real God-thing, I can tell you more if you ask. This post is getting long, and I don't know if you read it or just look at pictures...

I will try getting more pictures up, I just need to get them off the camera.

Have a great Easter, remembering what Jesus did for you.
He really DIED. And ROSE again. Have you ever realized that he actually died? I need to see more what he did.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Mute Math - Typical

Amazing video.
No, I didn't make this one...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hva er typisk norsk?

Sorry, Norwegian secrets being revealed...

Hva er typisk norsk? Hva gjør oss til nordmenn og andre til ikkenordmenn?
Hva spiser vi som ingen andre gjør?
Hva spiser vi som lett kan lages
i en australsk gryte på et australsk kjøkken med råvarer fra australske butikker?

Jepp. Vi skal ha "internasjonal kveld" på skolen, og oppdraget mitt er da å lage noe som er norsk.
Smalahove har vært foreslått, men det falt bums i bakken. Brunost har jeg hørt er komplisert å lage, og jeg tror ikke kengurumelk egner seg til den slags.

Spørsmålet og utfordringen blir da som følger:
Hva kan jeg lage som er norsk, godt og enkelt, og som også kan lages istand på andre siden av kloden?
Enten en forrett, hovedrett eller en dessert.

Utfordringen er gitt, svar ønskes.

Tusen takk. Jeg skal vise bilder når festen er blitt holdt.

Vil gjerne høre fra dere, har email, myspace og skype. Ta kontakt.


Revealing of secret ended.


There is this thing they call "sisten" in Norway, "tag" in the English language and as I tried to find out what it's called in other languages, i found this.

It has made its way into the realm of the blogs, how that happened, I don't know, but at least this is what happened. Karin first tagged me, and then Sven Erik, and then I waited for more people to tag me, but as that didn't happen, I started to think of the peculiar things that I have experienced, but not much came to mind. I found out that I don't have as many stories as many of the other people here, but I do have some.

The rules are:
"Hver spiller starter med å skrive seks rare ting om seg selv. Bloggere som blir "tatt" må skrive seks ting om seg selv i sin egen blogg, i tillegg til å angi reglene for spillet. Til slutt velger spilleren seks nye bloggere som "har den", og lister navnene deres. Etter det er gjort, skriver han eller hun en kommentar på bloggene til hver av dem, for å la dem vite at de har blitt "tatt", og at de må lese bloggen til den som tok dem for mer informasjon."

in English: (thanks to David)
In case you're one of my English readers this is a game of blog-tag, I'm supposed to write 6 peculiar things about myself, and then tag some other peeps, who have to do the same, and then tag 6 other bloggers...

My list is as follows:

1. I usually have a song for most occasions, if you say a word, my brain may automatically start singing a song, and sometimes it also comes out past my tongue as well.

2. I get more random as the night gets later, and dry jokes or big laughs may increase in numbers as the clock strikes midnight.

3. I consider myself deep and simple, and don't consider it a contradiction.

4. I have said no to cucumbers and techno music.

5. I like Norwegian words. Underfundig.

6. I hate pet peeves.

Now that you all know me better, feel privileged if you're on this list of upcoming "taggers":
Jan-Erik, Thomas, Salome, Kristin, Lyndee and Ingvar Olsen

Have it good.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


We visited a building with the Swedish colors.
It was great. It was weird. Mostly great.

Boy meets Kangaroo

I guess no explanation is needed.

Watto's Boys

I wanted to find a more boybandish name, but couldn't think of anything. If you have suggestions, feel free to express them.
These are the boys in my small group. We've got two girls as well, Claudia and Heather, but for some reason Watto wanted the boys in this picture.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Who done it?

This is from a project we had here at the school. We each wrote a script, and then another person in the class directed our script.
This is the film that Timothy wrote and I myself directed.

The cartoon shows up on our whitebaord almost every day, and the cartoon is of our school leader, Ben.

Enjoy it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


We did a carwash this Saturday, trying to get some of the money we still need for outreach.
Heather did some filming on her mobile phone.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Drive Thru

This night, one of my big dreams came true.

On the way back from the Impact Tour, we drove by a McDonald's, and wanted to stop for ice cream.

So we did.
As we walked over to the door, a big note said that we had to go in the drive thru in order to order food. So we did.

We assembled ourselves as a car, crouching down, Heather as the driver, me in the passenger seat and Jason and Steve in the "back seat". We made car noises, and moved in crouching position around the McDonald's, ordering our food, slowly moving on to paying for our food. (Try moving fast forward with bended knees...) Then, we arrived at the last sliding glass window where our ice cold food was handed to us, still in the car position, saying our thanks and moving on.

Some of you may have heard me suggesting doing this before, but tonight was the first time I did it, and it was fun! I recommend it to everyone. If need-be, make some doors out of card board (bølgepapp) and then you really look like a real car.
Have a great day! Find a McDonald's Drive-Thru and try it out. It's a thrill.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Mitt nye nyhetsbrev er nå ute. Det er nytt.

Send meg en mail hvis du vil ha det. Jeg deler gladelig.

Sorry, no English here.