Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Prison with our newly designed banners.

Having fun with a camera can give the most incredible results.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

After a long time coming, a long post is coming

It's now been ages and a day since I wrote in this thing last time, so I thought that if this is gonna seem to you as a news update thing, I better start writing.
That's what this is. Writing again.

SO since the last time, I have been busy with the startup as a YWAM staff again, here in the city of Skien. We've been doing a lot of different things lately, the most changing is moving into a new room, and settling in with a new room mate and a new room. It's smaller, but it's been promised me a single cell after Christmas, so we have a good deal, Hans and I.

I've been using my designer skills to design lately. (Would have been fun trying to use them to climb a wall, but, that's not they're for, you know...) But, yeah, I've kinda climbed a wall with them still, as I made two huge banners that hang outside our base, they measure 5x1 meters, that's 15x3 feet. Big. They turned out better than I expected, and the picture will soon be tried posted here.

Yeah, of course. We went to Italy as a get-to-know-each-other-as-staff-trip, because we got it for SO cheap, that it would have been cheaper than traveling inside of Norway, almost. So then we went to Bergamo, an inland city an hour from Milan, with a really beautiful old part of the city. It was this old Italian city with city walls, with old churches, small really narrow streets, cozy restaurants with Italian pizza AND ice cream (yum!). It was great, and my first time to Italy. Not the last, I hope.

Now we're preparing to celebrate YWAM Skien's 10 years jubilee, and most of our time is focused on that weekend, next Friday through Sunday, as well as the DTS starting this coming Wednesday. I think it will be good.

God is good. He's done more in my life, and blessed me with a lot of friends, and I am really grateful for that.

Blessings from Him, Ephesians 1.

-paul andreas

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
