Saturday, June 10, 2006

Last day in Skien

Today was my last day in Skien, at least in working with YWAM Skien for now.
I have been trying to finish up all my work here now these last days, and I think I made it...

Tomorrow, the car heads back to Stange with me in it. And suddenly, the summer came.

Just thought you'd all like to know.
To all Skien-people: I will miss you.
To all you others: Yeah.



Honningdal.jr said...

Da sier alle vi andre: Yeah tilbake!! Kult at du kommer hit! Stange is the place to be! :) Gleder oss til å ha deg rundt!

Janelle said...

we will miss you here Pølle. There is definitly a missing peice around this base without you. What in the world are we gonna do?!?!?! enjoy your summer...

Princess Of God said...

skal du være på familieleiren på hedmarktoppen 10-17 juli???

Erika Hydeen Strickland said...

Polle...I have an idea, you can come and work for me. We will just make up some stuff to do that is important.

Check out my bloggy.