The longest update
I sit here again, trying to update you all with everything that has happened lately, but without using too many words.
I will try.
We have now been back in Perth for more than a month, and I have exactly two weeks left here.
We have been working in the office, learning much about the post-production of a video, that is all the editing, the effects, the logging and transcribing. If you don't understand, I might be able to explain later. :)
This was Timothy's birthday cake. Nice?
We have had a lot of fun, the latest addition to having fun was making a movie this last weekend. On outreach we came up with a story, a plot and some characters, and our school leader wrote a script and directed the best short movie you'll ever see. Start looking forward to it already!
Jason in the process of putting together the movie
People are asking me to see the stuff that I have made during this school, but that has to be done in person. Which gives me excuses to see more people this summer. As for the projects we are working on from outreach, they will most likely not be done in time for me leaving, so that has to be shown later. But just as spreading out the gifts over a few days, the joy sustains itself more that way :) "Må spare litt, vet du..."
Some of the missable people
I have been doing this school with some great people, and it will be hard leaving them here.
If you want a newsletter and haven't got one, please tell me and that can be arranged :)
Dance Dance Revolution...
It is hard to update everyone about everything, but this it for now. I won't promise too much, lately I have been bad at keeping what I wished for on posting on my blog.
See you later
-paul andreas
Hope you read the text and not just looked at the pictures.
Jeg leste hvert ord, mulig jeg skippa noen her og der slik hjernen tillater uten at sammenhengen blir borte, men sånn totalt sett skippa jeg et par ord. Nei, vent, åssen blir det der...
Må spare litt, ja. Viktig det :)
Blir koz å få deg hjem igjen.
ja det skal bli kos...jeg er i Hamar fra 6.juli til 15.-16. el noe.
håper å få lekt litt da...
velkommen skal du være!
Blir definitivt tilbrakt noe tid på Koigen da. Er det familieleir eller bare ren og skjær ferie?
Hva bedriver du tida med for tiden?
både og...først litt brullaup, så litt ferie, så litt leir...så får vi se etter det! for det meste griller jeg...og trives forsåvidt utmerket med det=) treffer litt folk av og til, sover lenge, glipper gress...nyter leivi!!!
gleder meg til å se deg pøllemann=)
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