I have a job!
Yes, indeed I do.
Many have asked if I have a job, and many have received the reply "Not, yet, but I am looking."
Now, if you ask me, I can tell you Yes, I have a job, a good one, as a substitute teacher at Hedemarken Friskole, where I went to school long ago. I am now the colleague of my former teachers. Funny, huh? At least my old teachers think it is. I do too.I just finished my first week, and have three more weeks for sure in those classes. I teach Maths, Geography, Science, Norwegian and Christianity in three different grades, or classes, whatever you want to call it. Three different groups of kids. There you go.
It's a job well paid, considering my lack of education, and it's fun too, at times, when I feel that I am a good teacher, and it sucks when I feel I am a bad one... I have been told that is how it is to be a teacher, a real love/hate relationship.
Just wanted to inform you and thank all of you who have prayed for me getting a job.
-paul andreas
Weeeee! :-D
Weee? ;)
Gratulerer med jobb! Er du lærer for Sindre og Sunniva også? Også har jeg et godt tips, når du blir spurt om noe du ikke vet kan du jo bare dikte opp noe siden elevene dine sikkert ikke vet bedre! ;D
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