Yesterday was a lovely day. It was a Saturday, it was weekend, it was a sleep longer day, and it was a outdoor-pølse-grilling-day!
Jan-Erik invited me to join him down to the lake Mjøsa (Norway's biggest and greatest lake) to spend some quality time, enjoying God's creation as well as grilling some pølse. (Pølse=almost hot dogs). The ones we had were Prior's Turkey and Cheese Pølser. They were tasty and the cheese burnt our tounges.
I had wanted to take the camera out for a ride this week, and I finally got to do it yesterday, taking some beautiful pictures that might end up on your wall some day.
It was such a nice day, the crisp cool air biting my nose and toes at once, the sun making me squint and smile, the food filling me up and satisfying my hunger, the good friend making me laugh and think.
Thank you, Jan-Erik for providing this good day for me, as well as a night to remember.
Thank you God for giving me what I need, just when I need it, and for being in control, always.

Arriving at the lakeside.

Holding tight to the tree's branch.

Shaking the cold out of my head.

Sun warming my face.

A row-boat dreaming of the days past.

Pølsegrilling with a smile.

It's hard to hold two pølses at once.