Yesterday I had my last day as a teacher, ending this three month long time I have had being a substitute teacher.
It feels good being done, and as I am writing this, I am realizing it more and more that I am really done, and that Christmas is just days away! The same is true about a long plane ride and a new chapter in this book I am writing called "My Life". But before that, I'm going to celebrate Christmas at home, all four of us, for the first time in three years.
Just to explain to you that yes, I am relaxing, I am sitting in my bed writing this :)
The class I had the whole fall, almost, the 5th graders, (10yearolds) said goodbye to me Monday, gave me hugs, drawings and their phone numbers in case anything big would come up :)
Happy 21st of December to You All, and especially to Brittern. Happy 22!
Bra jobba pøllemann! Du har sikkert lært de unge håpefulle mye bra. Var du ikke i samme opplegg med min søster for mange herrens år siden? Morro. Ja, juleferie skal bli godt, dere får det koselig da:) satser på at vi sees, frokost 2./3. dag? Det blir nok noe opplegg:) Og hele koret er ikke medlemmer i NNF, men det kan fort skje, time will show! snakz
Pølle, jeg tipper at de venter på at du skal få deg dame, så da er det bare å ta ringerunden etterhvert! :)
God jol og godt år!
Helsing Julie, Johannes, Anne og Tolleif
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