Thursday, April 05, 2007

The International Food Feast

The International Food Feast was a success.
We had food from a whole lot of different countries, and I think I have pictures from most of them:

The boy in the kitchen

Claudia making caramel

Sameh's Egyptian chicken dish.

Claudia made a French Pizza.

Steve-0 killed and cooked a chicken, sold it to KFC and bought it back from them, I think.

Jason's New York Salad

Heather's "White Trash Dinner" Chicken and biscuits.

Timothy's fruit salad

The ever famous rømmegrøt

Sarah's excellent bread buns, with a sweet sauce/gravy-thing

The Australian contribution. Guess what it is...

Nathan's plate. Yes, Nathan likes ketchup.

Then, when we were too full, the dessert came.

Nathan cutting Katie's caramelized apples into pieces.

Claudia made a French apple dessert with caramel.

Katie also made Eskimo Ice Cream which normally is made of moose or reindeer fat, along with seal or whale oil, honey and berries.

Along with all this, Liesbeth, our school leader's wife made a dessert which I don't remember the name of at the moment.
Katie and I also made our contribution against global warming: Arctic Ice Worms. Worms in ice.
Hannah brought British chocolate and chocolate eggs to celebrate Easter.

It was a fun evening, very much a stomach-filling evening. We ate some really good food.


David Aasen said...

Flere bra koneemner.
Hæ? Hæ?

Paul Andreas said...

Sier du at jeg er et bra koneemne?

Sven said...

Du kommer til å bli en god husmor en dag:) Håper det går bra nedi der. Kommer du hit på ferie?

Saxofonmannen™ said...

Kengurukjøtt er digg.

Paul Andreas said...

Svenrik: Ja, jeg kommer hjem på ferie. I juni. Takk, prøver å bli husmor...

Sax.mann: Ja, det er det.

Unknown said...

Ble sulten jeg....