Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
After a looong drive, we're in Pennsylvania again
We came back from North Carolina, (yes, the rumors about a beautiful state were true!) today, and had a show in Ephrata Community Church tonight, after 10 hours of driving through 5 states. Jay is the man!
We had a really good time in NC, or, I got sick, with a fever, but still I didn't miss out on any of the shows. God is good, and he heals and gives strength to the weak. I've learned a lot more about that these last days, that we can trust in him for everything!
OK, this was just a short update to show we're still alive and kicking.
Tomorrow we have off, it's going to be exciting to see what will happen...
Then we have a show in Crossfire Youth Ministry Friday night, and two shows in Brickerville or something on Sunday, before the team, except me and Jordan, head home to Norway.
I'm staying one week here in Pennsylvania with Chad my former outreach leader, and Jordan is going home for a wedding.
Keep praying, you people, there is so much power in prayer!
Fred says hi by the way.
Written by Paul Andreas at 06:07
1 comments Labels: in English
Sunday, February 12, 2006
The Amazing Adventures of Fred the Sea Turtle, part 1
Introducing to you: Fred
With me on this trip, is a Sea Turtle: Fred. He's really fond of traveling, and has spent most of his days riding the underwater currents of the Pacific, as well as the ones in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. He came to me the Monday before we left, and asked if he could be my travel companion. He was so cool that I just had to say yes. (And, who can resist those big begging eyes anyway?) So then, when we left from Skien on that Tuesday, he joined me.
He hasn't told me his age yet, I'm guessing he's around 22, but, hey, he's a seaturtle, and the can become pretty old, so who knows, really?
"Yes, Captain. I'm ready for Take off."
Since most of his previous traveling has been under water, he's really excited about flying. So much, actually, that we got some complaints from some of the passengers on loud excited shouts from where we were sitting, but we blamed the boy in the seat behind us. And they gave him a parachute and asked him to get off, the boy that is, because no one would really accuse a sea turtle for loud shouts, would they?
Driving on the way to New York
We got to New York, and he was also stoked about being there, driving in a mini van, and seeing Manhattan and the Liberated Statue with a Torch and a Book from a distance. He really wanted to take a closer look, following the footsteps of King Kong and the X-Men, so we're trying to get him a trip to New York. We'll see when that'll happen.
One of the great things of America: Krispy Kreme
Well that's all for now, Fred is sitting here beside me, correcting me on all the details,

Cold Stone ice cream for the first time!
Peace out.
Written by Paul Andreas at 03:09
4 comments Labels: in English
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Writing From a Jet Plane
I'm right now on the plane from Frankfurt to New York, and they have
wireless Internet here...
Always wanted to do this. Being on tour, writing from the plane, my
thoughts and experiences in a funny way, interesting for all to to
read and enjoy.
We're mid air, just passed over London, and the sun is creating a
golden coating on the powdered white clouds. There are people from all
over the world sitting around me, feeling like I'm in a international
gathering, and in a way, I am...
The plane from Oslo to Frankfurt was delayed, because of snow and ice
and rain, (a beautiful combination, I tell you) so when we reached
Frankfurt, we had only 30 minutes till the plane to New York was
leaving... We ran and ran, through one security scan, then we ran some
more, through passport control, and came into the "American" zone.
There, of course, we had one more security check... Stress level
rising... Then some more running, before we reached the "why are you
going to the US, and what are you doing there, and what will be your
address, and can I see your return ticket." I got in the slowest of
all the lines... At that point the time was 09:57 and plane was
leaving in 3 minutes! I finally got through, and ran the last 100
meters to the gate. I said "Norsk" and they let me in. Or, I actually
said "Oslo", but that's about the same...
Then we got into the plane, had a beautiful take off, and now I'm
sitting here, feeling like a rock star, updating my fans and friends.
Choose your category wisely. :)
Yep. Have to give Jordan his Mac back, but I appreciate all prayers
and comments.
Enjoy life with Jesus.
From 10 000 meters up above:
-paul andreas
Written by Paul Andreas at 12:01
1 comments Labels: in English
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A Preflight Night
I'm finished. With the magazine. We sent it off to the printer yesterday. Hooray!
In 10 hours, my nose is headed in the direction of East. Together with the rest of my body, of course. (A Norwegian expression, to put your nose in a direction. Shows where the rest of you is going...)
Yes, tomorrow, Wednesday, we (meaning Jordan, Jay and I) fly out from Oslo to New York. From there, we go to Ephrata, PA, to pick up the sound, light and video equipment for the Reboot tour, and then we make sure we have everything and that it works...
Then we have a show on Monday, in Ephrata, and by the end of that week, we'll be headed South, doing some shows in the Carolinas.
Please pray for a safe flight and for health for the whole team, as a few of them have been sick this last week. We don't want to have sickness in our team.
This was just a update on the "yeah!-I'm-going-to-the-US-tomorrow"-feeling, as well as telling you that it is the 3 years and 4 days anniversary since I was in the US last time. And tomorrow it's 5 days and 3 years.
Thank you and good night. We leave from here at around 3 AM, so I'd better sleep a little.
Thank you so much for praying! My health is much better now than three days ago! Hallelujah!
A pretty random post was this, but, hey, that's me...
-paul andreas
Written by Paul Andreas at 21:17
0 comments Labels: in English
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Almost there
Six days and counting down.
In six days my plane leaves for the US of A, and there we're set for a 17 day tour, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North and South Carolina (Heard it's beautiful down there... ), and then heading up to Pennsylvania again.
Preaching the gospel, and seeing people saved!
Please pray for health in the team, as well as unity and joy. To have fun too, but that kinda goes under joy.
Well, this is a short one, have more plans tonight.
Tomorrow, we're going to Råde in Østfold, to Tomb, and Saturday, to the place of Strömstad in Sweden.
And, yes, the magazine is as done as a pie before taking it out of the oven. Almost ready, that is. Just some minor text-fixing tomorrow.
Please comment so I know you are there.
Have a blessed weekend!
-paul andreas
Written by Paul Andreas at 21:40
3 comments Labels: in English