The Amazing Adventures of Fred the Sea Turtle, part 1
Introducing to you: Fred
With me on this trip, is a Sea Turtle: Fred. He's really fond of traveling, and has spent most of his days riding the underwater currents of the Pacific, as well as the ones in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. He came to me the Monday before we left, and asked if he could be my travel companion. He was so cool that I just had to say yes. (And, who can resist those big begging eyes anyway?) So then, when we left from Skien on that Tuesday, he joined me.
He hasn't told me his age yet, I'm guessing he's around 22, but, hey, he's a seaturtle, and the can become pretty old, so who knows, really?
"Yes, Captain. I'm ready for Take off."
Since most of his previous traveling has been under water, he's really excited about flying. So much, actually, that we got some complaints from some of the passengers on loud excited shouts from where we were sitting, but we blamed the boy in the seat behind us. And they gave him a parachute and asked him to get off, the boy that is, because no one would really accuse a sea turtle for loud shouts, would they?
Driving on the way to New York
We got to New York, and he was also stoked about being there, driving in a mini van, and seeing Manhattan and the Liberated Statue with a Torch and a Book from a distance. He really wanted to take a closer look, following the footsteps of King Kong and the X-Men, so we're trying to get him a trip to New York. We'll see when that'll happen.
One of the great things of America: Krispy Kreme
Well that's all for now, Fred is sitting here beside me, correcting me on all the details,

Cold Stone ice cream for the first time!
Peace out.
so, umm, is fred single? it looks like he likes the same things as me. =)
enjoy your time - krispy kreme, coldstone, and you must try some sweet tea when you get to the south. have fun!
Fred seems like quite the turtle! Glad to see you and fred are both enjoying the USA and taking some new adventures! Look forward to hearing more... enjoy!
å så gøy! eg lige Fred!!:) du må hilsa!=) nyt usa og livet og folkå og Gud!
So glad to have made the acquaintance of Fred the turtle and of course his sweet traveling companion Paulie. New York wouldn't have been the same without Fred there! Blessings to the both of you and safe travels.
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