Saturday, February 24, 2007

Video Scavenger Hunt

As the pictures finally wanted to be posted, I have to tell you about last week.
The base put on a Saturday night game, called the Video Scavenger Hunt (videoskattejakten).

We were divided into teams, each team got a list of shots they needed to get on video, for instance, two warring tribes. Every group also got a video camera, 90 minutes to do it, and off we went.
I got the best team, I have to say, we were South African, English, Canadian, Australian, Norwegian (not just me), American and Egyptian. The best. We went off, taking the best shots we could find, I was mostly behind the camera, except for one time, when I HAD to show off my break-dancing skills. Richard, the other Norwegian is very skilled at the invisible skate board.
Here are the pictures:

Me breaking the dance floor and Richard doing an ollie.

Melanie proposing to a statue.

Rachel eating what we thought would be an ice cream.

Yes, that's me, and yes that is the famous Nathan, yes, THE Nathan.

The two warring tribes of Chinatown.

The actual showing of the videos.

Which team won?
We did.


Anonymous said...

(jentehyl) Naaaathaaaaaaan!

David Aasen said...

vært gøy å være der.

Unknown said...

hmm dere ser rare ut!! var bare det jeg ville si.. vil du være med i være rar klubben??

K said...

This is sooo totally fantastic - would love to have been in that video.
Happy that you're happy.
Happy happy happy!!
Blessings on your head Pølle boy.

Eirik said...

Ser veldig artig ut detta, Pølle! :D
Håper du har det veldig bra og får masse ut av det! Når er det du kommer hjem igjen?

lyndee james said...

cool, paulie.

Birgitte Båtvik said...

gratulerer!!!!!du vannt!!!flink pølle

Paul Andreas said...

Lene: Jeg skal gi det videre til Nathan.

David: Ja, ikke sant?

Brittern: Jeg vil gjerne være med, var det noen andre på bildene som kan være med?

Katrine: Thank you! It was pretty fantastic.

Eirik: Artig ja? Tror det er den 30. juni

Lyndee: Cool Lyndee.

Birgitte: Takk. (klapp, klapp) Vi er vinnerlaget!