In case you don’t wanna read any further, at least know that I arrived in Norway, and in Skien, safe and sound, although with a minimum of sleep the previous 30-some hours.
The plane ride went well, or, first the Stoltzfuses all gave me a ride to the airport, prayed for me and sent me off into the departure hall. Then, after a meal consisting of lo mein, and lo mein only, I went to the security check, and sat in the gate area for almost two hours... The rush traffic of New York is not too predictable, or, we probably came before it really hit, I believe.
Then, after listening to John Davis self titled album, which really rocks by the way, we boarded and took off. I sat next to this German dude who was really cool, but I didn’t get his name, so that kinda sucked.
To explain how tired I was, I’ll tell you this. One movie I really have wanted to watch these last months, is the movie about Johnny Cash: Walk the Line. Well, guess what movie they showed on the plane? And guess who fell asleep during the movie? If your guess was sleeping beauty, well, thank you...
Sleeping didn’t last very long, but when I woke, the huge turbulence was over, and so was the movie. Bummed. My eating pattern got really messed up during this plane trip, more so than before. I don’t even now know when I ate and how long it was between my desperate Quaker-bar bites trying to silence my hunger. And the airplane food on the way to the US was much better, I tell you. So the conclusion is: Bring your mom’s pack lunch, and save it for the trip home.
Well, now I am back in Skien, and last night I even won a prize, together with Ekki, one of the dts-students here. We won for doing the funniest miming to the Børud-song “Du løfter meg opp”. It was really good seeing all my Skien friends again, having been away for four weeks.
Well that ends it for now, but feel free checking back, as Fred also has things he’d like to share with y’all. (He’s been to the South you see...)
Thank you and good night.

Velkommen hjem! :-)
Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm.
Hei pølle!!
Jeg fikk ikke sagt ordentlig "hei" før jeg ikke fikk sagt ordentlig "hadet", så jeg sier "hei" og "hadet" nå! Sånn! Jeg drar tilbake til vilhelmina, sverige, altså i morra, men vi snakkes en eller annen gang! Nyt Gud og Skien!!
Hei pølse! Jeg gjetta tornerose.
Jeg gjetta de syv dvergene. Ikke at de sovna samtidig da, vel å merke. Det hadde vært synkronisert galskap.
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