Tuesday, March 06, 2007


We did a carwash this Saturday, trying to get some of the money we still need for outreach.
Heather did some filming on her mobile phone.



David Aasen said...

så søte dere er.

Janelle said...

that was a nice car wash dance... i liked it

Paul Andreas said...


We have much choreography training here.

Karin said...

Hehehe, morsomt =) Ser ut som om du har det bra! Foreldrene mine var nettopp to uker i Melbourne, actually, og det hørtes very nice ut down under! Forresten, du har'n! SISTEN!!! Sjekk bloggen min for videre instrukser... Karin

Sven said...

ice... you're it. Les reglene hos meg.

Anonymous said...


...dan said...

haha. kongedans på slutten!!