Saturday, March 17, 2007


There is this thing they call "sisten" in Norway, "tag" in the English language and as I tried to find out what it's called in other languages, i found this.

It has made its way into the realm of the blogs, how that happened, I don't know, but at least this is what happened. Karin first tagged me, and then Sven Erik, and then I waited for more people to tag me, but as that didn't happen, I started to think of the peculiar things that I have experienced, but not much came to mind. I found out that I don't have as many stories as many of the other people here, but I do have some.

The rules are:
"Hver spiller starter med å skrive seks rare ting om seg selv. Bloggere som blir "tatt" må skrive seks ting om seg selv i sin egen blogg, i tillegg til å angi reglene for spillet. Til slutt velger spilleren seks nye bloggere som "har den", og lister navnene deres. Etter det er gjort, skriver han eller hun en kommentar på bloggene til hver av dem, for å la dem vite at de har blitt "tatt", og at de må lese bloggen til den som tok dem for mer informasjon."

in English: (thanks to David)
In case you're one of my English readers this is a game of blog-tag, I'm supposed to write 6 peculiar things about myself, and then tag some other peeps, who have to do the same, and then tag 6 other bloggers...

My list is as follows:

1. I usually have a song for most occasions, if you say a word, my brain may automatically start singing a song, and sometimes it also comes out past my tongue as well.

2. I get more random as the night gets later, and dry jokes or big laughs may increase in numbers as the clock strikes midnight.

3. I consider myself deep and simple, and don't consider it a contradiction.

4. I have said no to cucumbers and techno music.

5. I like Norwegian words. Underfundig.

6. I hate pet peeves.

Now that you all know me better, feel privileged if you're on this list of upcoming "taggers":
Jan-Erik, Thomas, Salome, Kristin, Lyndee and Ingvar Olsen

Have it good.


Saxofonmannen™ said...

Tsk, tsk... Du scorer ikke særlig høyt på rarhetsskalaen... ;-P

Paul Andreas said...

Sorry, kan ikke røpe alt på en gang... :)