Thursday, January 11, 2007

Body Surfing and Aussie Barbeque

For starters:
My foot is doing SO much better, soon back to normal, thank you all so much for praying!

Today I went body surfing for the first time, the salt stung my eyes, the waves slapped me in the face before dragging me under and giving me exciting somersault (salto) ride before spitting me out again. But I really loved it, being by the beach, in the water, playing beach volleyball and eating herb and garlic seasoned sausages.

We did all this because we had a get-to-know-each-other trip to the beach today, and I am starting to love Australia more and more, as well as the YWAM base here, there's so many things that they do that are just so right, good and fun at the same time. I'll try to write more later. I have to go out and buy a book for my weekly journal, or the C.I.R. as they call it here.

The pictures show some of the people on my school as well as a blue tongue lizard.

Be blessed!


S said...

I wish I was you!

I påsken skal jeg surfe i Australia! hoho!!

Saxofonmannen™ said...

Naughty waves! They tried doing those things to me too, but I rebuked them.

Good thing you told us what's in the pictures, since they look like red X's in white squares to me...

Nice to hear that you're better! Good on ya, mate!

Jon Kristian said...

Det var fint å høre at ting gikk så bra og at du tror at du ble helbredet! Det hørtes fantastisk ut å både der!

David Aasen said...

gøy å høre at du har det bra. vi hadde også sånn CIR, huska aldri hva det sto for. Christian Idiot Reading.

få opp noen bilder da, din fjom! ta i hvert fall flere bilder enn på DTSen din.

Anonymous said...

Høres fantastisk ut! Kunne ønske jeg var der! men nå har snøen dalt litt er ikke nok til å bade i allikevel..Og det blir vel flere bilder...noen litt mer tydelig..hehe.. Guds velsignelse til deg! kram

Paul Andreas said...

Er det greit med bilder nå eller?
Som jeg skrev, internettet er ikke helt vennlig mot meg her.
Kos dere.