Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Yesterday I went to the doctor because of a infection in my right foot, and it had started to become swollen (hevelse i foten).
The doctor told me I had streptococcus (Norsk: streptokokker)and gave me penicillin to fight it with.
The challenge in this whole thing is that I am leaving for Australia this coming Friday, the 5th of January, and I'd love not having to travel with a swollen foot and with agressive bacteria in my body.

I know God hears our prayers, and He loves to answer them, so please join me in praying that I will get COMPLETELY healed of everything that's trying to hinder me from going where God wants me.
Thank you! I'll try to update you on how it is going.

-paul andreas


Jon Kristian said...

Ber for det!
Også her er noe veldig oppmuntrende undervisning om det vanskelige temaet helbredelse!: http://www.bibelundervisning.com/content/view/158/49/

S said...

Du drar i morgen du, Pølle! Spennende!! God tur!
Hvordan er foten?

Stay blessed, -serri!

Anonymous said...

Jeg ber! Og i Jesu navn skal du bli helbreda! Ber om Guds beskyttelse og herlige nærvær i tiden framover!
i Jesu navn, AMEN!